Filter Press
The primary usage of filter press is as a "fixed value batch pressure filter"
As a fixed value filter it is built to hold a specify quality of solids. The tem "batch" refers to the feel that the cycle may be stopped to discharge the altered "filter cake”, prior to restarting a fresh new cycle "pressure" is a created by the feed pump in the separation process.
How it Works-
In Operation slurry is pumped user pressure into the press chamber through the manifold at the stationary head of the filter press. As such chambers fills with slurry the liquid passes through the cloth medium across the drain field through the drain port & suits via gravity out of the corner discharge age.
The prime function of the filter media is to provide a porous support structure for the filter cake as it develops & builds.
The pressure behind the slurry is provided by high quality.Hydraculic cylinder & power packs are used for closing & sealing plate packs.
Once the pressure starts increasing the plates are passed together each filtered with durable permissible cloth. The pressure required for derivative the sludge is provided by feed pump.
Once the pressure starts increasing the plates are passed together each filtered with durable permissible cloth. The pressure required for derivative the sludge is provided by feed pump.
During the filtration cycle the sludge is initially pumped into chambers with a high rate. The rate is required as the chambers are filled & pressure build. Once the pressure is cloth retain the solids, allowing water pass through as filtrate. Once the pressure reaches to a set pain filtered reduced to a trickle the dewatering cycle is complete
The neat stage of process is to empty the press by spewing the plate chambers & allowing the dewatered cakes to drop out.
This entire process can be manual, semi-automated or fully automated.